Introducing Our New Laptop Case
We’re so excited to finally be able to show you our new Laptop Case! This case is an addition to our Computer Case Collection and is the perfect laptop case for the on-the-go globetrotter. Due to its small size and slim surface, it easily fits in your backpack, tote bag or carry-on. Bring it with you as you set out to travel the world.
How is this case different from the existing ones?
This case has a pocket inside where you can fit the charger, notebooks, pencils, etc. Our original computer cases have a charger pocket in the front, which allows them to have a fun and unique design. This case is slimmer, simple, and sleek, and is perfect for the on-the-go traveler who has limited bag space.
Is this case padded as well?
Yes! All our computer cases are padded and offer strong support for your laptop. The best thing about laptops is that you can carry them around and bring them always. We know how easy it is to accidentally slam your bag against the poles in the subway, the building wall, or by all means, into another person. A protected computer will last a long time, and a computer that lasts a long time won’t need to be replaced in a long time. From a sustainability standpoint, a good, sturdy computer case is a great investment.
Last, but not least, which products will you be matching this case with?
In the office: Match this case with our black Charger Case, Pencil Case and Notebook.
For the trip: Match this case with our black Shades Case, Makeup Case and Small Organizer.