Meet the Bag-all Team Down Under

In the cute neighborhood of Paddington, there’s an idyllic shopping street called Oxford Street. On this busy but picturesque street, you’ll find our Bag-all Australia store. Bag-all has been around in Australia for just about two years, and it’s run by lady boss Jenny and her fantastic teammates. If you haven’t been to our australia store yet, we’re here to tell you all about it! Keep scrolling down to get to know our sydney store and our bag-all team down under.

Jenny cleaning the windows before the Grand opening of Bag-alls Sydney store.

Jenny cleaning the windows before the Grand opening of Bag-alls Sydney store.

Hi Jenny! We’re so curious about Bag-all Australia, tell us about your team!

Our Sydney store team consist of myself and two Swedish girls, Fanny and Karolina. I am the CEO and partner at Bag-all Australia and run our Sydney store. Fanny and Karolina are both Business students and casual workers in the store.

Where is your office/store located?

The store is located on Oxford street in Paddington, Sydney. It is an amazing area packed with restaurants, markets, parks and shops.  The streets of Paddington are lined with gorgeous characteristic terrace houses and the streets are usually packed with locals, tourists and dogs.

Where are you guys from? Bag-all is such a diverse company.

At the moment, we are all from Sweden but there has been a couple of Australian girls working in the store previously. Or actually, Karolina is Swedish but she grew up in Seattle, Washington and happen to live next to my brother. Small world, right! 

Describe all of you with one word each.

Jenny – perfectionist

Karolina - positive

Fanny – easy-going

Jenny and Bag-all owner Jennifer Jansch outside of our Sydney Store.

Jenny and Bag-all owner Jennifer Jansch outside of our Sydney Store.

How did you first find Bag-all?

I’ve known Jennifer Jansch since way back in Sweden when we were working together, me as a photographer and Jennifer as a stylist and magazine maker. We quickly became friends and I had the privilege to hear all about Jennifer’s new business idea Bag-all from the very start. As a photographer, I even got the opportunity to take the very first pics of Bag-all’s Gift Bags for the website. Little did we know we were going to work together years later, one in Sydney and one of us in Bali.

Which are your favorite products?

I love and adore Caprice small organizer! I wear it as a case in my handbag/tote bag and put my credit cards, phone, sunglasses, keys etc in it. That way I know I’ve got everything when I swop bags, which I do every second day to match my outfit. Guess it comes with the job at Bag-all, this obsession over bags.

What’s your favorite thing about Bag-all?

I love that we have a unique, stylish and useful product that I believe in. I am proud to work at Bag-all because of our vision of a sustainable lifestyle and our care for the environment. It feels genuine and great that we all do something for the world every single day!  I mean, who wouldn’t love working in a store where every single customer that enters the store get impressed and admire our products.

 If you would be a Bag-all product, which product would you be?

I would be a Surfboard sling bag because I love exploring the beaches in Australia and I wouldn’t mind doing that with a bunch of cool surf dudes.

What are your best packing tips?

Travel light, plan your outfits and use our Packing cubes.

Tell us something we didn’t know about the Bag-all Australia team.

I love exploring new cities by running. It is seriously the best way to get to know new places. I have run a number of half marathons in cities like Stockholm, Berlin, New York & Sydney and I always go for a run when I travel. My latest achievement was a super challenging 21km trail run in the Snowy Mountains in Australia. It was my first trail run and it was something completely different to road running, but I loved it and it was extremely beautiful in the mountains in the summer. Our next trip is to a tiny island in Fiji and I guess that will be another type of challenge for me since it only takes 10mins to walk around the island.

Thanks, Jenny, for letting us come along and learn some more about Bag-all Down Under; we can’t wait to visit you again soon! Until then, catch you later, mate!

Jennifer Wesslau