How to Get Luggage First at Baggage Claim
Simple tricks to make sure your bags comes out first, so you can get on your way!
Preparing to fly again? The long line at the baggage claim is one part of flying that no one ever misses. It always seems to take a very long time to collect your baggage while you wait by the carousel, groggy-eyed. However, according to Travel + Leisure there are two techniques that can help you get along more quickly.
#1 Fragile First
Ask the check-in agent to put a "fragile" tag on your suitcase. Fragile bags are usually loaded last to avoid crushing them and may even emerge ahead of the other bags. Additionally, they will probably be treated with extra attention. The only slight hitch is that the sticker may not always be noticed by staff. Ensure that yours is clearly visible on your luggage.
#2 Lucky Last
Checking your luggage in as late as possible is the other tactic you might want to use. Your bag will be the last to be loaded if you check in last, making it the first to be unloaded when you arrive.
#3 Surefire Ways
If both of these tricks didn’t work, T+L suggest to buying a first class or business seat or joining an airline's frequent flier program to get a priority sticker on your bag. VIP’s bags are often given priority consideration and will come off the carousel before bags belonging to people who flew economy class or that don’t have status with the airline.