The Lazy Girl’s Guide To Getting Organized

Getting organized can oftentimes feel like this mythical goal that seems to be unattainable, especially for the self-proclaimed lazy girls. But don't worry, We are going to show you some simple ways to get organized and make everyone think you've got your life under control even though you really don't.

  1. Give everything a place

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This is an easy way to start taking notice of what you have in your home or bag. Give everything a place and keep it there. If you have a lot of small items, give them a home in one of bag-all organizer cases.

2. buy a planner

Even if they may seem tedious, there is nothing that a few stickers and colorful pens can't make better. Usually planners seem tedious but personalizing even a plain black and white planner makes it seem like less of a chore, and you will actually remember that test for Monday.

3. prioritize your time

Making time for the tasks that are most essential to you is a key component of organizing your life. You can avoid wasting time on meaningless activities by setting your priorities according to what is most important.

Follow one or all of these tips and you will be well on to your way to having everyone in your life jealous of how organized you are. You never know – they might even ask you for a few tips!!

Jennifer Wesslau