Spring Cleaning for Travelers

Organizing anything in life makes things easier, but this is especially true for travel gear. Nobody loves packing, and you don’t want to waste precious time trying to find your travel adapter or your camera gear. Here, tips on how to spring cleaning your travel essentials.

1. spring cleaning suitcase

When was the last time you looked through your carryons and baggage for damage? When reorganizing closets during your spring cleaning, don't forget to check luggage for problems with zippers.

Tips: Don’t forget the packing cubes. They keep clothes from wrinkling while greatly increasing efficient use of luggage space.

2. clean out your toiletry bag

Have you cleaned your bathroom bag? Really, has it really been more than a year since then? Eww. Wipe down toiletry bags with an antibiotic cleaner before letting them air dry. It's also a good idea to switch out your old cosmetics and toothbrushes for new ones at this time.

3. sort out tech equipment

For easy access before your next travel journey, put all of your current electronic gear into a travel pouch or small bag. That makes packing for impromptu travel so much easier.

4. prepare your camera gear

Do you put your camera away after a trip, then completely forget about it? Did you download every picture from the last trip? Before formatting the SD cards, see whether any images need to be downloaded from them.

5. clean your shoes

A good pair of walking shoes can make or break a trip. Is the cushioning worn out on your current pair of walking shoes? Maybe it’s time to replace them. If your walking shoes are still in good condition, spray the inside with an antibiotic spray. Then air the shoes in the sun to refresh them.

Jennifer Wesslau