Preparing Your Home for Vacation
Headed out for Vacation? Handle these housekeeping items first.
As you're packing for your upcoming trip and double-checking your luggage, it's a good idea to prepare your home for your absence. from cleaning up to making sure everything is safe and secure, making a few small preparations before you leave can make a big difference when you return from your trip.
1.Tidy Up your house
A tidy home reflects a tidy mind. Coming home to a fresh slate won't be disappointing.
2.clean out the refrigerator
Check inside your refrigerator while you're at it. Any food that will expire while you're away should be frozen, eaten, or thrown away. This is pretty self-explanatory. No one wants to come home to a fridge full of rotten, stinky foods.
3.hide your valuables
Please remember! Place valuables in unexpected spots, such as a board game, the detergent box, or the kitchen. These spots are usually the last places for unwanted guests to look.
4.Unplug Most Appliances
Take an extra lap around the house to ensure that all of the lights are out and no electronics are in operation.
5.Take care of your mails and deliveries
Whether you put your mail on pause, forward it, or ask a neighbor to pick it up, you’ll want to make sure that your mail is taken care of. Make sure you do the same thing for deliveries. If you’re expecting any deliveries in your absence, ask a neighbor to hold them for you until you return
6. Double check the laundry
While busy running around packing and cleaning the house, it's easy to forget the obvious things. That last load of laundry you forgot to put in the dryer, for instance. Please check the washer before you leave. Coming home to a full load of laundry that has had a week to sit and sour is less than ideal, to say the least.
7.lock the windows and door
Last but not least, take a final look at your organized home, lock all the windows and door, and let the vacation begin!